
Friday, March 5, 2010

Knockout Entrepreneur by George Foreman

Before reading this book I said to myself, so what does a two-time heavyweight champion of the world got to say about business and being an entrepreneur? At first I had preconceived notions that this guy was only lucky he found people who helped him found his way up. Well, so much for that…

Beyond my expectations, I was amazed at how this book is so full of wisdom and real-life lessons that stemmed from the wisdom of George Foreman himself, from being a boxer, to being a church leader, to being an involved family man and at last to being a successful entrepreneur. Seldom can you find a businessman like George Foreman who is not greedy for power or fame. I was really glad to know this man even more who is just so selfless even when it comes to business.

This book presents important pivotal points into becoming a Knockout Entrepreneur with all the elements of compassion and respect for others. All throughout this book you will see the endeavors faced by George Foreman that ultimately paved the way to his success. It is important to note what George Foreman shared in terms of values and lessons that he learned along the way – both thru his ups and his downs.

What I like about this book is that I really learned a lot of becoming more of a better person as with becoming a real Knockout Entrepreneur. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. I got this book from Book Sneeze