
Friday, July 8, 2011

Trying To Improve My Chess Skills With a Tempting Chess Set by Hannah Thore

I've been playing chess off and on for a few years now. It's something that me and one of my former roommates started doing for a while when our internet was down. And then we just started playing chess for fun even when our internet came back up. We got strangely competitive about it and kept a running score of the game outcomes. Well, I've had this strange urge to play chess again but now when I try and play it with my boyfriend he totally destroys me. And it's not like he plays chess all the time or anything!

I decided that maybe I should buy myself a nicer chess set as a way of motivating myself to play a little better. I went online to try and find some nicer chess sets and while I was doing that I ran across the website WIRELESSINTERNET.NET. After I read through it a little bit I decided to change over my home internet service to the company.

I found this one chess set that's actually part of a table. I thought that would be a really fun addition to my living room furniture.

Mind Exercise Games

A thought, my mind is always running, but I wanna keep it running! Just making sure as I age...

Recently downloaded Words With Friends in iPhone, it is pretty cool! It is something smart to do during break time, it sharpens my mind and it helps me stay up and running and think.

The one thing that I want to be really doing is play chess... Looking for a decent playmate, my wife excluded haha!

I need to keep this game to improve my strategic decisions, I am long done with Plants vs. Zombies!