
Saturday, March 26, 2011

People Lining Crazy for iPad 2: The So-Called Scalpers

For whatever personal or business reason, the people seem to have grown in numbers as the days go by. Competition for the iPad 2 is getting tougher.

A week after its release, the lines seen in the Apple store were overwhelming. A lot of locals have already seen the advantage of sourcing this latest hype locally and selling it international. We couldn't keep up with the competition because people are actually lining up in groups! We then decided to contract more friends and acquaintances to line up on our behalf in as early as 9 p.m. the night before to avail of the new iPad 2 shipments the following day. During the first few days this system has worked for us and we were no doubt successful in bringing home a few more tablets, but just lately there is just nobody who would dare line up anymore as the groups started to line up as early as 5 p.m. Its getting real crazy.

At the peak of this iPad 2 craze comes some written posts about "US" Asians or Russians being termed as scalpers. Wow. Scalpers it is, but this is how you do some business you haters!

I would like to make my official written statement, and this is to tell to the world that we, the so called scalpers, are entitled to our opinions and/or ideas also.

First of all, what we are doing is nothing illegal. Buy and sell is a long time trading practice for the business-minded that we have just chosen to pursue. Apple reserves the right to allow or disallow repetitive purchases of its products, and last time I've heard, Apple have been accommodating and lenient. Point is, we scalpers are not breaking any rule here. We are just simply doing buy and sell as we were born with this talent for business.

It shouldn't be taken against "US" Asians or Russians if you couldn't get yourself an iPad 2 at the time you want and at the price you want.

It is not our fault that we were born aggressive and competitive. We decided to make our money work for us in our own legal little way.

By the time I publish this post, people are no longer lining up for iPad 2, but business is still alive.

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