
Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Laptop for Business

Four months ago I went searching for the best mini laptops online. I had to turnover my old Sony VAIO to my wife because she needs it as well for her online business and for her blogging. Four months ago it was Christmas and I figured that was the best season to get me something as a gift to myself and that would be a new laptop. I was kind of attracted to getting a netbook that time, just for a change, amidst the wild objection from wife, she was insisting on getting me the regular laptop because she knew for a fact that I like big screens. I have already decided I wanted to have something light and handy but at the same time credible and elegant-looking netbook that I could take with me to my regular job everyday without the need of hiding, so I went on and definitely bought me a Toshiba Mini NB305 netbook - the blue one, which by the way is no longer available in any retail store or online.

Just as my wife predicted it, months later I got tired and bored of using the netbook. I wanted something with a wider screen and a wider keyboard so I looked to find something as an excuse so I could buy myself a new laptop. I contemplated and decided to send my netbook to the Philippines so my cousin could use it for my little business there, I figured she would be needing to send me Excel worksheets of the monthly sales and ending inventory of the items there anyway plus I also have plans for expansion and I wanted clear records for everything.

Just days ago, my friend who at the same time is also my business partner suggested we need to get ourselves new laptops for our electronics business. There it was, opportunity revealing itself just in time! Both of us were looking for a good laptop that has a numeric keyboard on the right side just like the typical desktop keyboard. We are kind of formalizing our electronics business lately that my friend actually bought Quickbook so we could have a formal log of all our transactions. Having the numeric keyboard easily accessible on the right will make our invoicing jobs easier. It was time to search online for the best rated laptops that meet our keyboard requirement. My electrician friend told me that the best laptop brands are Dell and Sony, and I had to rely on his good judgment because he's had years of experience fixing a variety of laptops from time to time. So I figured I'd go look for best deals on laptops for either a Dell or a Sony brand. There are actually a good few laptops with our keyboard specifications mostly with 15.5" screen. My friend got a Dell-branded laptop while I got a Sony VAIO VPCE Series.

I am feeling more comfortable using this new laptop as compared to my old VAIO. Though it is wider as compared to my old laptop, I like its sleek look and i like the keyboard. Now I am moving on to learning Quickbooks, I hope I could find my way around this accounting software.

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